A trip to the other side of the country

Recently, I have been away, hence why dear miss whimsy has been doing such an excellent job on her own. It was simultaneously one of the best, worst and most confusing weeks I can remember, but that is not the point. It’s all about the cake really.

After much confusion and debate over flour, ‘brioche’ was made. It looked sort of right, tasted sort of odd, and didn’t like being toasted, but for a first attempt I think it was rather successful. (anonymous boy hand apparently considered it thumbs up worthy)

I also attended (gate-crashed) a toddler’s birthday picnic, which was the best kind of picnic, as it was well equipped with food of all kinds, including scones. The only thing missing was tea.

There were even many space hoppers, which I think all parties should have, no matter how old you may be. I seemed to have had a bit of a Magritte moment with one, had I worn a bowler hat, it would have been perfect.

Not only that, but the cake was covered in glitter. What more could I want?

Along with what are sure to be the most travelled Nom Nom cupcakes, my first eccles cake, cookies, apple pie, doughnuts and chocolate tart, it was a most successful cake-based trip, not to mention the gallons of tea. And that’s what really matters.

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